Editorial Complaints Policy

About Pure Cure CBD

Pure Cure CBD is committed to maintaining the highest standards of editorial integrity and transparency. We strive to ensure that our content is accurate, fair, and balanced, providing valuable information to our readers about CBD, vaping, and wellness.

How to Raise a Complaint

If you have a concern about the accuracy or fairness of any content published on Pure Cure CBD, please contact us at [email protected]. Clearly outline the nature of your complaint, including specific details such as the article title, date of publication, and the aspect of the content in question.

Investigation Process

Upon receiving your complaint, our editorial team will promptly investigate the issue raised. We may review the content in question, consult with relevant experts or sources, and assess whether any corrections or clarifications are necessary.


We aim to resolve complaints in a timely manner and will provide you with a response acknowledging receipt of your complaint. If we find that an error has been made, we will take appropriate corrective action, which may include issuing a correction, clarification, or retraction of the content.

Contact Us

For editorial complaints or concerns, please contact us at [email protected]. We value your feedback and are committed to upholding the integrity of our content on Pure Cure CBD.